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domingo, 30 de outubro de 2016

Dark Jedi Academy

Type: FFA, Duel, Team.
Created By: SoiL
Description: There is it some interesting places, as a Duel Room, Cantina, Conference Room, Large Hall, etc. But this map isn't big. If you want some like a medium map, it's enough.

Joe's Academy Lounge

Name: Joe's Academy Lounge
Type: FFA.
Created by: Joe (?)
Description: It's a sinister map, with racing track, using the Stap Speeder Droid. There is a Cantina, Training (sinister) NPC Room, Green Garden and a Lake with Square.

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016


Name: BJF*Guivinci
Type: Skin
Created by: Tynk (Today ThundraBr)
Description: An youngling, literally. He was a good player, faithed by Brazilians Jedi Force. This skin is based in other skin, the Lune Starr (Spaceballs).

sexta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2016

Darth Savet

Name: Darth Savet
Type: Skin
Created by: Savet
Description: An old player in Brazil, when he played in Terra Server. Also model used by BruteDux, that plays in "Terra" too!

Dark Order Alliance Flight Arena (Doa Flight)

Name: Doa Flight Arena
Created by: Roshi
Type: FFA, Team.
Description: Since 2006, this map was a magnific training ground to fly. There is laser cannons, Center Briefing, flying platforms, referecing platforms, and 8 models of the ships or starfighters. It's X-Wing, A-Wing, Tie Fighter, Tie Interceptor, Tie Bomber, Snowspeeder, Republic Gunship, and Anakin's Startfighter. Enjoy!

Valley of the Jedi

Name: Valley of the Jedi
Type: FFA, Team, Duel.
Created by: Jenovar Rebirth (Fixed bundle and path files by me).
Descrition: It's the famous Valley of the Jedi, legendary place of Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. There Kyle Katarn confronted Jerec in a  final duel. It's a large room, like some cerimonial hall.

quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2016

RPG Wayland

Name: Rpg Wayland
Type: FFA.
Created by: Rena Jacewalker
Description: A large map where there's a mill, stores, village with graveyard, secret locations. Hidden imperial base with prision, mazes, etc. It's so perfect going to either RPG narration with Jedi Academy or a simple Role Play.

The Academy 1.0

Name: The Academy 1.0
Type: FFA
Created by: Not informed.
Description: This map have 3 Dojo Rooms (for Duel), Bridge Training Room, Tower Training Ground, Cantina with Private Rooms, Plataform Training Room, NPC Room, lake with an waterfall, Briefing Room, and ADM Room.

Hello Folks

This is a blogger dedicated to Files of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. Soon, we'll have some download files, as type maps, skins, mods, vehicles, weapons, and others. I've some library or archives that there're many things related Jedi Academy. See you in soon! Thanks!